Wednesday, October 12, 2005

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Jack 14 Months

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TIMEOUT! Kate is definitely 2

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Who cares about the legos?

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Kary and Margaret (2.5 months)

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Aunt Linda and Margaret

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Uncle Leaf with his fan club

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Grammy's 80th Birthday Dinner

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Elisa teaching 52 Card Pickup to an eager audience

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Steve, Kary, and Elisa getting ready for Grammy's 80th

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Uncle Eric and Gard

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Aunt Lori

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Uncle Gard and Margaret (2.5 months)

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Jensen visiting the Spencer's

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Uncle Cort fixing Kate's Police Car

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Grammy's 80th Birthday with Kate and Jensen

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Jack - 14 months - Almost Walking

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Margaret and Nina

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Camping with the Hipwells in the Back Yard

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Margaret 2 months

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Likes Shoes

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Kate beach Sept

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Kate at the beach - Sept 2005

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